1. Application
Unless otherwise agreed, these Terms of Sale of Keskisuomalainen Plc (hereinafter referred to as “Mediahouse Keskisuomalainen”) shall be applied to the media sales of Keskisuomalainen group’s products and services, when an advertising company or a media agency, advertising agency or other service-sector business that brokered the order on the advertising company’s behalf (hereinafter referred to as “the Advertiser”) purchases these products and services via Keskisuomalainen’s national service channel Meks or one of the group companies or affiliated companies specified below.
These Terms of Sale shall be applied to both individual products or services and campaigns. In this case, a campaign refers to an approach that utilises the same advertising message or messages and/or target group, and where the full scope of the campaign has been specified prior to the beginning of the campaign.
These Terms of Sale shall not be applied to the so-called third party services of Mediahouse Keskisuomalainen’s partner media nor the advertising of Kärkimedia.
There may be medium-specific differences concerning the reserving of products and services or their scheduled delivery, pricing and discounts. These differences are detailed for each medium.
If these Terms of Sale conflict with the medium-specific special terms, the medium-specific terms shall be applicable by priority. In case of an incompatibility between the order confirmation and Advertiser-specific agreement and these Terms or medium-specific special terms, the Advertiser-specific agreement or order confirmation shall be applicable by priority (if both, then the more recent document), medium-specific special terms secondarily, and these general Terms of Sale lastly.
These Terms of Sale shall be applied to sales conducted through the following group companies and affiliated companies of Keskisuomalainen:
- ESA Digital Oy
- ESV-Paikallismediat Oy, as of 1/1/2020
- Etelä Suomen Media Oy
- Kaakon Viestintä Oy, as of 1/1/2020
- Keski-Suomen Media Oy
- Hämeen Media Oy
- Neonmedia Oy
- Omnipress Oy
- Savon Media Oy
Establishment and validity of an agreement
The agreement on a product or a service shall be stablished once the Advertiser orders products or services and the Advertiser has approved the received offer in writing or orally (for instance, via email) or once Mediahouse Keskisuomalainen has confirmed the Advertiser’s order in writing or orally.
If the advertising material was brokered by an advertising or media agency or other service-sector business, the said agent shall be responsible for the adherence to all separately agreed terms and these Terms of Sale and the agent’s own obligations, including responsibility for the content of the advertising material and charges with full credit loss liability. The Advertiser who placed the order is responsible for the content and charges of advertising material shared by two or more Advertisers.
The Advertiser agrees to follow these Terms of Sale as well as the medium-specific special terms or special terms agreed by the Parties at the time in question.
One-off advertising agreements shall expire without termination once the service has been realised.
Fixed term agreements shall be valid for a given period and expire without termination on the final day of the period. Regardless of their fixed-term nature, both Parties are allowed to terminate one-year agreements in writing during the agreement validity period with a term of notice of three (3) months, in which case the final discount rate shall be determined by the realised time of agreement.
Both Parties are allowed to terminate non-fixed-term agreements with a written notice, in which case a term of notice of three (3) months shall apply and any discount rate is determined by the realised time.
2. Reserving and cancelling media space
All media of Mediahouse Keskisuomalainen can be reserved at once by contacting your personal sales contact person or by emailing the closest sales service. The reservation situation/availability must always be verified. Reservations must be confirmed by the deadline specified in the offer, Terms of Sale or special terms concerning the medium in question with the provided material instructions acknowledged. The times of previous reservations for special placing (e.g. front pages of print media, back page, appendices, etc.) must be taken into account. The valid material instructions, specifications and reservation times are available at meks.fi/aineisto-ohjeet
Advertising and media agencies must provide the sales service with a written space reservation according to the reservation schedule of the first publication.
Terms of cancellation and amendments to campaigns
Mediahouse Keskisuomalainen reserves the right, without a liability for damages, to reschedule or cancel a campaign, advertising display, advertising time, or other reservation for some special reason. The Advertiser shall be immediately notified of such changes and provided with a new corresponding media space or time or advertising display.
The terms of cancellation concerning the Advertiser:
The Advertiser must cancel the reservation by contacting the sales service or sales contact person in writing.
Newspaper/magazine advertisements
- The notice of cancellation must be given by the reservation date of the issue in question. If the notice of cancellation is given within the reservation schedule, no advertising rate is charged, unless Mediahouse Keskisuomalainen has already began to prepare the advertisement. If the preparation of the cancelled advertisement is in progress, the Advertiser is charged for all costs resulting from the preparation of the advertisement.
- If the notice of cancellation is given after the deadline has expired or the advertising material is not sent for publication, the Advertiser is charged for the net price of the reserved advertisement space and any costs resulting from the preparation of the advertisement.
Online campaigns, outdoor advertising, and bus displays
If a confirmed online campaign is cancelled while Mediahouse Keskisuomalainen has yet to begin the preparation of the material
- 6–10 working days before the campaign was scheduled to begin, 25% of the campaign’s net price is charged.
- 4–5 working days before the campaign was scheduled to begin, 50% of the campaign’s net price is charged.
- 3 working days before the campaign was scheduled to begin, 100% of the campaign’s net price is charged.
If Mediahouse Keskisuomalainen has already began to prepare the cancelled advertising material, the Advertiser is charged for all costs resulting from the preparation of the material.
If a confirmed outdoor advertising or bus display campaign is cancelled
- Within the reservation schedule, no advertising rate is charged, unless Mediahouse Keskisuomalainen has already began to prepare the advertising material. If the preparation is in progress, the Advertiser is charged for all costs resulting from the preparation of the advertisement.
- After the deadline has expired or if the advertising material is not sent for publication, the Advertiser is charged for the net price of the reserved advertisement space and any costs resulting from the preparation of the advertisement.
- if the work for the cancelled service or the production or preparation of the cancelled service has already began at Mediahouse Keskisuomalainen, all expenses and labour costs resulting from the implementation of the service are charged.
Other service order
- if the work for the cancelled service or the production or preparation of the cancelled service has already began at Mediahouse Keskisuomalainen, all expenses and labour costs resulting from the implementation of the service are charged.
3. Advertisement placement and advertising of competitors
The Advertiser cannot influence the editorial context of their advertisement’s placement or give other exceptional terms for the placement of the advertisement. Target media may simultaneously display campaigns of the Advertiser and the Advertiser’s competitors.
Due to the confidentiality of advertiser relationships and the limited number of advertising slots, Mediahouse Keskisuomalainen cannot provide advance information on the campaign’s of the Advertiser’s competitors. In case of overlapping campaigns, no compensation is paid.
4. Prices
The prices are determined by the current price list for each medium and service. The provided prices do not include tax. Current VAT and other taxes and fees ordered by authorities related to potential publishing, media, or advertising revenue are added to all prices.
Mediahouse Keskisuomalainen reserves the right to change the prices. Changes in price shall come into effect at the earliest 1 month after the notice of changes in price has been given. Already made reservations are also subject to increases in prices, unless otherwise agreed in writing with the Advertiser. Increased costs resulting from laws, decrees, or measures adopted by a public authority increase the prices correspondingly from the moment the regulations come into force. Already made reservations, including separately made agreements, are also subject to these increases. The Advertiser may cancel their reservation free of charge within 14 days of the date the notification of the change in price was given.
If the advertisement or media space reserved by the Advertiser is smaller than the advertising material, either finished and submitted for publication or in preparation, requires, the Advertiser is charged for the media space according to the size of the realised larger size. If the advertisement or media space reserved by the Advertiser requires a smaller advertisement than specified in the order, the Advertiser is charged according to the reserved space.
Production fee and extra services
In addition to the charge for the media space, the Advertiser is charged for the costs of the production and rights of use of the advertising material or costs generated by the alterations made to the ready-delivered advertising material at the request of the Advertiser, according to the current price list of extra services.
Most common extra service prices
Production according to a script or layout EUR/module.
Minimum charge EUR 10 (99 column millimetre), maximum charge EUR 200/full page and its multiples.
The charge for material that is half-finished or to be revised is half of the production fee.
Production for print |
EUR (VAT 0%) |
Spread | 400 |
Full page | 200 |
½ page | 160 |
800–999 | 135 |
600–799 | 100 |
460–599 | 80 |
300–459 | 50 |
180–299 | 30 |
160–179 | 25 |
120–159 | 20 |
100–119 | 15 |
5–99 | 10 |
Special shapes | EUR (VAT 0%) |
L-shaped | 160 |
Side strips
160 |
200 |
200 |
Circle (spread)
400 |
Circle (one page)
200 |
80 |
Digital products
EUR (VAT %) |
Production EUR/hour (min. EUR 40)
80,00 |
Design service EUR/hour (min. EUR 40)
80,00 |
Line transfers, material copies EUR/piece of material
43,00 |
Additional colour proofs: A3 colour proof EUR/pcs
10,50 |
Additional colour proofs: A2 colour proof EUR/pcs
19,00 |
Charge per working hour EUR/hour
80,00 |
5. Discounts
Mediahouse Keskisuomalainen may grant Advertiser or product-specific discounts on the provided prices as specified below. Different discounts cancel each other out, unless otherwise agreed in writing. Discounts are confirmed for each medium in the offer, reservation, or order confirmation.
The discounts concern media owned by Etelä-Suomen Media Oy, ESV-Paikallismediat Oy, Kaakon Viestintä Oy, Keski-Suomen Media Oy, Hämeen Media Oy, Savon Media Oy or Esa Digital Oy and the affiliated company Neonmedia Oy. Discounts are not granted on products or services provided by other companies within the Keskisuomalainen group or so-called third party services. Discounts do not concern Kärkimedia advertising or reader advertising, nor are discounts granted on, for example, extra service charges, result-based advertising, or programmatic buying.
If the Advertiser neglects its obligations under the agreement, Mediahouse Keskisuomalainen shall reserve the right to not grant discounts or to reclaim a given discount.
The calculation order of discounts on prices provided in the price list
Gross price for media space
+ position increase
– media or Advertiser-specific discount
= Net price
+ extra service fees
+ VAT and any other official fees
= Net price including tax
Advertising and media agency compensation
Mediahouse Keskisuomalainen grants a 3–15 % advertisement and media agency discount
to bodies it has approved for their brokered advertising. The discount is calculated according to the calculation order of discounts. Receiving the discount requires that the agency is responsible for the content of the Advertiser’s advertising material, provides Mediahouse Keskisuomalainen with the commission according to the Terms of Sale, and takes responsibility for its brokered advertising with full credit loss liability.
Volume discount
Volume discounts are determined according to the table of volume discounts and based on the total quantity of net purchases of the contract period. Volume discounts require a separate written service agreement. The accrual of the volume discount and the discount table are Advertiser-specific and concern only advertising specified in the agreement, unless otherwise agreed in writing.
A volume discount is granted on advertising in printed papers/magazines owned by Mediahouse Keskisuomalainen and on their websites, digital outdoor advertising, bus displays, and radio advertising. Any advertising and media agency discounts are taken into account in the volume discount agreement.
The volume discount agreement cancels out all other discounts, excluding separately agreed advertising and media agency discounts.
The volume discount agreement does not concern advertising and media agencies.
Social advertising and election advertising
Mediahouse Keskisuomalainen grants a 35 % discount on social advertising.
Social advertising includes communication that seeks to influence the well-being and quality of life of citizens and attitudes and publicly inform about risks without an economic purpose.
The discount does not concern advertising related to the promotion of business, recruitment, etc. of a social body.
A 35% discount is granted on election advertising, if the content of the advertising complies with the requirements for election advertising of the Act on a Candidate’s Election Funding and Mediahouse Keskisuomalainen.
Social advertising or election advertising cannot contain logos or other similar information of other bodies. Advertising and media agency discounts are taken into account.
Campaign discounts
are medium-specific, subject to separate campaign conditions, and granted on the price list prices.
Repetition discount
can only be granted on newspaper/magazine advertisements, and the discount conditions are newspaper/magazine-specific. The repetition discountrequires that the same advertisement (material) is published unchanged within the newspaper/magazine-specific repetition period. All repeated advertisements shall be reserved along with the first advertisement reservation.
Series discount
can only be granted on newspaper/magazine advertisements, and the discount conditions are newspaper/magazine-specific.
Replacement advertisement discount
can only be granted to members of the Finnish Newspaper Association on newspaper/magazine advertisements according to valid agreements.
The media of Mediahouse Keskisuomalainen may have medium, product or department-specific separate conditions concerning the aforementioned discounts. In addition, so-called consumer advertisement or organisation columns have their own newspaper/magazine-specific discount conditions.
6. Delivery of advertising material
Advertising material shall be delivered according to the medium-specific material schedule and instructions. Material to be produced and ready material may have different delivery times.
Newspaper/magazine advertisements
The advertising material must be delivered by the newspaper/magazine-specific deadline.
After the reservation, the Advertiser receives an order confirmation or is otherwise informed of the size of the material or other requirements, material number, and the time and address of delivery of the advertising material. When the material is delivered, the delivery note or email subject line must include
- Name of the Advertiser
- Provided material number
- Medium
- Date of publication
Online campaign
Materials must be delivered three (3) working days and special solutions five (5) working days before the beginning of the campaign according to medium-specific material instructions.
Advertising material to be produced for an online campaign 3–5 working days before the beginning of the campaign.
All advertising material and any tracking pixels must be HTTPS compatible.
Native advertising
Material for native advertising and articles must be delivered 4 working days before the beginning of the campaign. Only no follow links are allowed in native articles. Preview versions of native articles are provided for revision. The previews can be edited twice.
The delivery note must include
- Name of the Advertiser and campaign
- Advertiser contact information
- Date of publication
- Number of showing (online campaign)
- Target media (which service/which advertising place/solution)
- Campaign’s web address, where clicking the ad navigates to (online campaign)
- Material deliverer’s contact information/company/contact person
The advertisements shall be in place on the first day of the campaign by 10.00 a.m.
Mediahouse Keskisuomalainen does not guarantee that the campaign begins on the desired date and time, if the advertising material is not delivered according to the instructions, is delayed or technically dysfunctional, or its content is dubious.
Replacing online material
When making a reservation for a campaign, the Advertiser shall state how many advertisements the campaign will contain and how they shall be replaced. During the campaign period, the material can be replaced once per advertising place. The delivery of the replacing advertising material complies with the material schedule. For several replacements of advertisements, we charge according to our hourly fee. This also applies to unexpected replacements during the campaign period. The minimum charge for replacing material is EUR 40 (+ 24% VAT).
Delayed advertising material
If newspaper/magazine or online advertising material is not delivered by the deadline in correct format or the material is damaged or dysfunctional, or its content is not appropriate, Mediahouse Keskisuomalainen does not guarantee that the advertisement is published on the desired date and time. If online advertising material is delivered late, the delay or dysfunctionality may cause a delay in the beginning of the campaign and prevent the compilation of a campaign report. If the advertising material is delivered late, the number of showings of the campaign is decreased in relation to the delay. The decreased number of showings does not entitle to a price cut.
Verification and showing guarantee of online campaigns
Campaigns are verified with Mediahouse Keskisuomalainen’s advertising management system. If a campaign falls short of the purchased number of showings by 95%, it can be continued until the number of showings is fulfilled or the missing showings are compensated for as additional showings in the Advertiser’s next campaign.
If the number of showings at the end of the campaign remains short by up to five (5) per cent, the showings are not compensated for. If the Advertiser’s advertising material is delivered late, Mediahouse Keskisuomalainen does not ensure the realisation of guaranteed showings.
Digital outdoor advertising and bus displays
Finished advertising material must be delivered by the noon of the last working day before the beginning
of the campaign.
When the material is delivered, the delivery note or email subject line must include:
- Name of the Advertiser
- Provided material number
- Medium
- Date of publication
Other service order (e.g. subcontractor’s work or service)
After the reservation, the Advertiser receives an order confirmation or is otherwise informed of the size of the material or other requirements, material number, and the time and address of delivery of the advertising material.
When the material is delivered, the delivery note or email subject line must include:
- Name of the Advertiser
- Provided material number
- Ordered service or media
- Date of execution
Storage of advertising material
Mediahouse Keskisuomalainen is not obliged to store material delivered by the Advertiser post-publication, unless the advertisement has been predetermined for re-publication as it is or unless otherwise agreed. Material produced at Mediahouse Keskisuomalainen is stored for at least three months.
7. Invoicing and terms of payment
Invoicing shall take place weekly according to the publication schedule of the advertisement, unless otherwise agreed. The invoice-related notice must be given within eight (8) days of the date of invoice.
Mediahouse Keskisuomalainen requires a business ID or other official ID from corporate customers who desire to be charged by invoice. When invoicing the Advertiser, the Advertiser’s credit status is verified before their advertisement is published, and the Advertiser’s bad credit record may result in the advertisement not being published without entitlement to a refund.
The term of payment is 10 days net.
Due to a bad credit record or other similar reason, Mediahouse Keskisuomalainen may, however, require payment before advertising is published or executed. In that case, the Advertiser may pay its purchase in advance into a bank account or the payment can be made to any customer service counters of Mediahouse Keskisuomalainen. When paid to a bank, the payment must show on the specified bank account of Mediahouse Keskisuomalainen and a receipt for the payment must be delivered to the sales service, e.g. via email, by the submission dates of said medium reservation.
The penalty interest is pursuant to the Interest Act, and the costs of payment reminders are collected. If invoices remain unpaid after the due date of a payment reminder, they are transferred to a debt collection agency.
Payment options
E-invoice for companies
The Advertiser shall provide information on their operator and e-invoice address (EDI ID/IBAN code) along with the reservation.
Invoice via email
To receive invoices by email, the Advertiser shall provide the email address invoices shall be sent to as PDF attachments.
The Advertiser is responsible for the functionality of its email; ensure that invoices are not blocked or categorised as spams.
Paper invoice via mail
Processing and mailing expense is charged for paper invoices. Companies and organisations are charged EUR 7.00 (+ VAT) and private individuals EUR 3.00 (including VAT).
Cash payment to a customer service counter of Mediahouse Keskisuomalainen
Mediahouse Keskisuomalainen requires a cash payment before the publication or execution of advertisements, if, for example, the Advertiser has bad credit record.
The company-specific payees and account numbers of Mediahouse Keskisuomalainen are available here
8. Liability for errors and complaints
Mediahouse Keskisuomalainen aims to publish all approved advertisements according to the agreed schedule. If an advertisement cannot be published due to production-related or other operational reasons (force majeure reasons, e.g. strikes, technical failures, delays caused by subcontractors) or due to the fault of the Advertiser, Mediahouse Keskisuomalainen is not responsible for any resulting damage. An electronic service may be temporarily deactivated due to maintenance or other similar reason. Mediahouse Keskisuomalainen is not responsible for any damage caused by outages.
Mediahouse Keskisuomalainen is not responsible for an error in the content or appearance of an advertisement, if the error is a result of, for example, insufficient or faulty material, unclear script, or information provided via a phone.
Mediahouse Keskisuomalainen is not responsible for an error that becomes apparent in the proof delivered to the Advertiser, if the Advertiser has approved the proof without making any amendments or comments by the deadline. Mediahouse Keskisuomalainen does not give a refund for minor typing, printing or layout errors in newspaper/magazine advertisements that do not negatively impact the comprehensibility and advertising value of the advertisement.
Mediahouse Keskisuomalainen is not under any circumstances responsible for indirect damages caused to the Advertiser. The liability for direct damages is limited to refunding the Advertiser for amounts paid for the advertising space or service.
The complaint about a defective publication must be filed within eight (8) days of the publication date of the newspaper/magazine advertisement or the end of the electronic campaign. The complaint about an invoicing error must be filed within eight (8) days of the date of invoice.
Liability for broadcasting errors in radio advertising and display errors in outdoor and bus advertising
Mediahouse Keskisuomalainen is not responsible for any broadcasting errors in radio advertising and display errors in outdoor and bus advertising, if the Advertiser’s instructions on transmissions and displays were insufficient or unclear, or they were not delivered on time.
Mediahouse Keskisuomalainen’s liability for broadcasting errors is limited to offering the Advertiser new similar media space or an amount corresponding to the charge for the media space.
Complaints about a broadcast or publication must be filed in writing within eight (8) days of the broadcasting date or as of the intended broadcasting date.
Mediahouse Keskisuomalainen reserves the right to transmit emergency warnings on its channels according to current legislation. If an emergency warning is displayed on a time reserved for an advertisement and, as a result, the advertisement is not displayed, Mediahouse Keskisuomalainen is not obliged to compensate the Advertiser for not broadcasting the advertisement.
Mediahouse Keskisuomalainen has the right to display an advertisement in media environment according to normal practices, regardless of the medium’s editorial content or publications of other Advertisers.
9. Right to use advertising and campaign results
Unless the Advertiser has otherwise notified Mediahouse Keskisuomalainen in writing, and not later than when the advertising material is delivered, Mediahouse Keskisuomalainen is allowed to transfer the advertisement into a database and utilise it in its presentation, training and research compilations as well as on the group’s websites and extranet. However, Mediahouse Keskisuomalainen is not allowed to use the advertisement for commercial purposes in other media. Mediahouse Keskisuomalainen is not allowed to use campaign results for its own marketing purposes, unless otherwise agreed with the Advertiser. However, Mediahouse Keskisuomalainen is allowed to use campaign results for its internal training purposes, unless the Advertiser has forbidden this at the latest when delivering its advertising material.
10. Liability for the content and rights of use of the advertisement
The Advertiser shall ensure that the advertising material (including newspaper/magazine supplements, inserted supplements or separately distributed supplements) complies with provided instructions, legislation and fair practice. Mediahouse Keskisuomalainen is entitled to refuse, without a liability for damages, to show an advertisement, if the advertisement does not comply with legislation or regulations issued by authorities and self-regulating bodies in advertising, or it is against fair practice.
The Advertiser shall ensure that showing the advertising material does not violate anyone’s privacy, copyrights, industrial rights, or other protected rights. The Advertiser is responsible for any costs caused by the acquisition and exploitation of rights. The Advertiser is responsible for all damages to third parties caused by a violation or lack of copyrights, patent rights, other intellectual property rights, and other rights, or other demands based on these infringements.
Mediahouse Keskisuomalainen is not responsible for any costs or damages caused by the aforementioned infringements.
Mediahouse Keskisuomalainen has a right of ownership and copyrights and other intellectual property rights of Media and parts of Media (including databases and software), and no rights to these are granted to the Advertiser.
Mediahouse Keskisuomalainen has a right of ownership and copyrights and other intellectual property rights of the advertising material Mediahouse Keskisuomalainen has produced for the Advertiser. The Advertiser is not allowed to use the material for any other purpose than the agreed one without Mediahouse Keskisuomalainen’s permission.
11. Data protection and targeted online advertising
The Advertiser and Mediahouse Keskisuomalainen agree to comply with the current EU and national legislation concerning the processing of personal data and protection of privacy, including General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR).
The utilisation of cookies and other similar technologies requires that Mediahouse Keskisuomalainen has given its prior consent to collecting data from the websites of Mediahouse Keskisuomalainen. If no prior consent is given, the Advertiser may use cookies only to measure campaign results (showings, coverage, and conversion).
If a campaign is targeted based on the online activities of visitors, the Advertiser shall follow the principles of the IAB Europe Transparency and Consent Framework and take (or require its partners to take) necessary technical and other measures to comply with the principles.
The Advertiser is responsible for the systems it utilises as well as its own actions and the actions of its representatives and subcontractors. The Advertiser shall ensure its partners know and follow the restrictions specified in these Terms.
Unless otherwise specifically agreed, the terms described below in this chapter shall be applied to all agreements between Mediahouse Keskisuomalainen and the Advertiser in so far as they involve processing of personal data by Mediahouse Keskisuomalainen on the behalf of the data controller (the Advertiser), or processing of personal data by the Advertiser on the behalf of the data controller (Mediahouse Keskisuomalainen). The data controller is the Party that defines the purposes and means of processing of personal data. The processor is the Party that processes personal data on the behalf of the data controller. Depending on the nature of the cooperation, one Party may simultaneously act as the data controller regarding some data and as the processor regarding other data.
The target, nature and purpose of processing of personal data as well as the types of personal data and registered groups are defined in the agreement between the Parties or the data controller’s written instructions provided prior to the processing of personal data. Regarding digital advertising, the purpose is to target the Advertiser’s advertising campaign and regarding chatbots, the purpose is to supply leads to the Advertiser, unless otherwise agreed. The duration of processing data is limited to the retention period determined necessary for the agreed campaign. In so far as the data groups utilised in targeting consist of data related to the use of the Advertiser’s websites or other personal data of the Advertiser or leads are supplied particularly to the Advertiser through the use of chatbots, the Advertiser acts as the data controller. In that case, the registered groups are the users of the Advertiser’s website, and the Advertiser’s customers and potential customers. Mediahouse Keskisuomalainen acts as the data controller regarding data related to the use of Mediahouse Keskisuomalainen’s websites and other personal data of Mediahouse Keskisuomalainen, including target groups of advertising generated based on the personal data. In that case, the registered groups are the users of Mediahouse Keskisuomalainen’s websites, and Mediahouse Keskisuomalainen’s customers and potential customers.
The data collector shall ensure that its grounds for processing the collected personal data comply with the data protection rules, and it has the right to transfer the data to the processor for processing. The data controller also ensures that the obligations determined in the data protection rules are complied with and the written instructions given to the processor by the data controller comply with the data protection rules.
In so far as Mediahouse Keskisuomalainen acts as the processor of the Advertiser’s personal data or when the Advertiser acts as the processor of Mediahouse Keskisuomalainen’s personal data, the Parties agree, for their own part, to:
- process registered personal data only on the behalf of the data controller for the purpose specified in the agreement between the Parties and according to the current data protection rules;
- process registered personal data according to the written instructions based on the data protection rules and provided only by the data controller (unless otherwise agreed, these Terms are the written instructions given to the processor);
- notify the data controller if they deem that the data controller’s instructions violate data protection rules;
- ensure that the people processing personal data are under a non-disclosure contract;
- adequately protect personal data according to their own practices and the agreement between the Parties to ensure the confidentiality, coherence and accessibility of personal data;
- help the data controller fulfil the data controller’s obligation to respond to requests regarding the exercise of registered rights specified in the data protection rules;
- help the data controller, with reasonable efforts, ensure that the obligations of the data controller specified in the data protection rules are complied with;
- erase all personal data after the services related to the processing have ended, unless if and to the extent that an applicable compelling European Union legislation or national legislation demands the retention of personal data;
- notify the data controller after having received a notice of a data security violation of personal data;
- provide the data controller with data that is necessary for proving that the obligations specified in the data protection rules have been complied with; and
- allow the data controller or its authorised auditors perform inspections and participate in the inspections.
The data controller grants the processor a general prior authorisation to use the services of another processor of personal data. The processor is responsible for the work of its subcontractors and for its own work. The data collector has the right to object to a specific subcontractor, in which case, the processor aims to use commercially reasonable efforts to replace the subcontractor. If the aforementioned change cannot be executed, the Parties have the right to terminate the cooperation without a liability for damages. Termination of the agreement does not release the Advertiser of its financial obligation for measures taken prior to the termination.
If the Advertiser violates the Terms specified herein, Mediahouse Keskisuomalainen has the right to terminate the Advertiser’s campaigns (including the campaign that violated these terms and all other campaigns under any services of Mediahouse Keskisuomalainen) with immediate effect and terminate all agreements between the Advertiser and Mediahouse Keskisuomalainen, without a liability for damages.
Both Parties are obliged to compensate the other Party for direct damage (including administrative fines imposed by authorities, compensation for damage paid to the registered people, and reasonable legal expenses) resulting from the compensating Party having processed personal data in violation of these Terms or obligations specified in the data protection rules. Neither Party is responsible for lost profits nor other indirect damage.
At the end of a retargeting campaign, the Advertiser agrees to erase any used advertising tags that direct to the websites of Mediahouse Keskisuomalainen.
12. Legislation and guidelines on advertising
Mediahouse Keskisuomalainen complies with and applies the Finnish legislation on advertising. Mediahouse Keskisuomalainen agrees to comply with the guidelines of the Council for Mass Media and the Council of Ethics in Advertising.
13. Special conditions for events
A contract for participation in an event or other partnership carried out by Mediakonserni Keskisuomalainen arises when the Advertiser has accepted an offer received in writing (e.g. by email) or orally, or when the Parties have entered into a cooperation agreement in connection with the event or events. A contract also arises when the Advertiser purchases event tickets from Mediakonserni Keskisuomalainen.
Unless otherwise agreed in writing, payment in connection with the transaction is invoiced in one instalment before each agreed transaction. The invoice is due ten (10) days after the date of the invoice, excluding event tickets, which can be charged for in full at the time of purchase.
Unless otherwise agreed in writing or subject to Mediakonserni Keskisuomalainen’s terms and conditions, the Advertiser does not have the right to cancel the contract for an event, and Mediakonserni Keskisuomalainen will not refund the payment made for the event, or for visibility related to the event, or event tickets.
Mediakonserni Keskisuomalainen has the right, free of charge and according to its own choice, to cancel or postpone an event to another time by notifying the Advertiser if the event cannot be organised due to a material change in circumstances, official regulations, or a force majeure situation involving Mediakonserni Keskisuomalainen or its partner, or a breach of contract committed by a party that is significant to the organisation of the Mediakonserni Keskisuomalainen event. If the event is cancelled in full, the Parties will refund any payments made to the extent reasonably possible. The cost of media space and other visibility received by the Advertiser prior to the cancellation will be deducted from any such payment made.
In addition to the aforementioned terms and conditions, the Advertiser undertakes to comply with any special terms and conditions that have been specifically agreed or of which it has been notified for each event or event type. The special terms and conditions specify in more detail the event’s practical implementation, including the programme content, partner department, event marketing and event target groups. The special terms and conditions will either be set out in the partnership agreement concerning participation in the event or provided separately to the Partner.
14. Dispute resolution
Any disputes or conflicts between Mediahouse Keskisuomalainen and the Advertiser shall be settled by the District Court of the domicile of Mediahouse Keskisuomalainen or the affiliated company that acted as the seller.
15. Confidentiality
Mediahouse Keskisuomalainen and the Advertiser are under an obligation to protect the confidentiality of any information they receive from the other Party which is marked confidential or which is deemed confidential (including personal data received from the other Party).
The confidentiality obligation does not apply to information which
- was in the possession of one Party before they received the same information from the other Party and which is not subject to the confidentiality obligation.
- has been generally available or public, unless the information became public due to a breach of these Terms.
- was received from a third party and which is not subject to the confidentiality obligation.
- was developed independently without utilising materials or information received from the other Party
- must be disclosed on the basis of a law, decree, or other official or legal regulations.
The confidentiality remains valid for 2 years after the termination of the agreement.
16. Transferral of the agreement and advertising space
Mediahouse Keskisuomalainen is allowed to transfer the agreement and its rights and obligations to another company within the Keskisuomalainen group and, in connection with a business acquisition or some other corporate transaction, to a company that acquires the business related to the agreement. The customer is not allowed to transfer the agreement or reserved advertising space to a third party without Mediahouse Keskisuomalainen’s prior written approval.
17. Termination of the agreement
The agreement may be terminated if a Party is found to be in substantial violation of the terms of the agreement or neglects them and does not correct the infringement within 30 days of the reception of notice. Mediahouse Keskisuomalainen has the right to terminate the agreement with immediate effect, if the Advertiser does not pay according to the terms of payment or the agreement and does not correct the error, despite the written notice, within 14 days of the reception of the notice, or if the Advertiser is declared bankrupt, placed in company restructuring or liquidation, or becomes insolvent.
18. Validity of the Terms
These Terms enter into force on 1 November 2019 and replace the previous Terms of Sale of Mediahouse Keskisuomalainen. The Terms shall remain valid until further notice. The new Terms shall be applied to all agreements made after the publication of the Terms.
Mediahouse Keskisuomalainen is entitled to change the general terms and conditions, these Terms of Sale, medium-specific terms and practices, prices, and grounds for payment at any time.
The previous Terms of Sale Terms of Sale 24/5/2018
Contact information of sales service
MEKS – nationwide sales
Meks sells all Mediahouse Keskisuomalainen products
Sales service
tel. +358 400 133 959
Digital outdoor advertising/MEKS
Media of Southern Finland
Etelä-Suomen Media Oy
Newspaper/magazine-specific sales service
Media of South-East Finland
Kaakon Viestintä Oy
Media of Central Finland
Keski-Suomen Media Oy
Sales service
tel. +358 14 622 188
Media of Päijät-Häme
Mediakonserni ESA Oy
Sales service
tel. +358 3 7575 710
Media of Savo
Savon Media Oy
Sales service
tel. +358 17 303 600
Omnipress Oy
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